Killing Me Softly Or What Was Zhong Hua Min Guo Now Again?

In January, China implemented a law which requires schools, including those in Hong Kong, to include “patriotic education” in their curriculum and companies to do the same in their operations. The definition is vague but the curriculum is meant to promote the leadership and ideology of the Chinese Communist Party. We did nothing, absolutely nothing… Continue reading Killing Me Softly Or What Was Zhong Hua Min Guo Now Again?

Not Just About HK

No comment. We are failing them… democracy now! For everyone on planet Earth. In Xinjiang for the Uygur people (whoever they are). Freedom, that is every human’s right. There’s 1 000 000 or two millions (2 000 000) humans in camps? 2024? I thought we was done with concentrated camps…? Ref.: BBC. Please see: Article… Continue reading Not Just About HK