We found 40 results for your search.

Nevermind The Chatty Chat, This Is Still Drum’n’Bass

If you would happen to be in any way interested in what in the name of Gaia keeps an old man rambling on about the good old days of drum’n’bass? There’s an outstanding Metalheadz’ mix (selection wise that is, because two decades of wishing MC:s to just stop making vocal noises hasn’t ended I’m afraid)… Continue reading Nevermind The Chatty Chat, This Is Still Drum’n’Bass

Proper Jungle

Oh, it was terrible. It was like a jungle. It’s never been like that before but, it was. It was a proper jungle. It was a proper jungle. So… I guess not drum’n’bass then…? Ref.: Neighbours transform 94-year-old’s ‘jungle’ garden; BBC.

Into/From The Subway

The entrance was (it still is) inside the subway station. People came from two directions; either from the street or from inside the subway. The cue did reach the subway station hall thru the doors to the actual station (one photo missing) at times. – Noooo way! Honest. Coming downstairs (from the south) and up… Continue reading Into/From The Subway

Instant Rwd!

The… f i r e ! This must be one of the best drum’n’bass tracks ever produced: Burn Bright by: Dom & Roland. D + R destroying it, as per usual. The stab, the compression (sucking out all the breathable air), the furious breaks and the gnarly/growling bass-line. Is it going to attack me? The… Continue reading Instant Rwd!

Roel Funcken, Burient EP [Funck’d – none, 2022]

Still pushing the envelope/boundaries (it’s not the same vibe/thing using presets as actually being the originator of a sound. And he; Roel Funcken is one of the originators of that sound make no mistake.). Bridging genres and time, and still keeping an undeniable unique sound. Roel Funcken would summarise all of that and then some.… Continue reading Roel Funcken, Burient EP [Funck’d – none, 2022]

Svart Kaffe

It was a small café: called Svart Kaffe (it literally means Black Coffee). It was the business for coffee and sandwiches, it was the drum’n’bass central coffee shop in Stockholm, Sweden. My personal favourite lasted for hours… – Do you take milk? – No, thank you. It’s got to be black. ATM ©1998

Fingers In The Air

Har du någonsin haft fingrarna i luften? Någonsin? Vad?!!! = Have you ever had your fingers in the air? Ever? What?!!! Ja, men har du det eller (inte)? Bass Culture. Foreverness. Drum’n’Bass. When you are overwhelmed by emotion+ You are supposed to be “in control”, but you are from that and you feel free. You… Continue reading Fingers In The Air