Well? Please see: Where’s My Ride At III?
A Thing Of Beauty X
Ref: ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network).
Where’s My Ride At?
Well? Please see: Where’s My Ride At II?
I Have Not One, But Two…
I have two… machines running. TOSHIBA Leading Innovation. One’s faith is somewhat unknown (Stig’s) and it is running WIN95 (experimental). The other one (black and shiny) has been to West Africa… it’s currently running Ubuntu 18.04. My father left me alone in his home town… he did not tell me he was leaving. He left… Continue reading I Have Not One, But Two…
Skynet + Stakka
This is 1999? Beautiful. It is Parker? Photek.
Is it really?
Renegade Hardware? No. I’m serious now. Is it: RENEGADE HARDWARE? Really? I can play it, I can do that. Core.
Can You Carry My Case?
Can you jump the fence? I’m truly sorry… again (not a five star hotel accommodation). – No problem. Done this many times before. In a white coloured skin suit? That is cool by definition. Culture! I can do that. I can carry your case… did? Indeed I did do this. All aluminium, dub-plate heavy; up… Continue reading Can You Carry My Case?
Det Är 5 Meter På Bromsen
Det är full broms. Bakdäcket är låst och det är fem meter på bromsen. Bromsa fram? Lite, men nja, nu är det daxs att styra också, därför det är fem meter på bromsen. Låst/glidande/slidande i fart. Mörkt, minst tre barnvagnar (i bredd), amatör/pensionärs cyklister, mobiltittande och nedför. Måste styra också… Translation? Try: bike@resurface.se.