This is an excellent track. And I mean an excellent electronic track by any means and by a debudant. If KMRU can make it to the frontrow there is no reason what so ever that this should not. You need to start from somewhere to get anywhere. The track title? Faith, Hope And Techno Compairing… Continue reading Again… Tro, Håb Og Techno
Don’t Ask
Stock photo… the name suggests or rather means exactly that. I’ve spent decades actively not appearing in photographic contexts. There’s you go… Covid-19 business. I mean litterally my whole life. Decades. I’ve tried not to appear in photos… so… what do ya’ say now? – I can never win? What Do You Know. Scroll down.
I Think What She Is Trying To Say (Not Ask)
Is there a bed? It is an instant classic! If/when you’re looking for a room to rent. It is just so brilliant!
Vacant Shores, [All Digital, 2021]
It is a computer and it currently holds the first place on the TOP500 list. It is Japanese. It is three times faster than the second fastest one in the World. The appearance? I am lost for words. How can something, anything; a machine even begin to look like that? The symmetry, the roof, the… Continue reading Fugaku
No comment or… #cccccc; =grey. The time is 09:50 and the date is 9th of April 2021. The air temperature is 5 centigrade above zero. It is virtually impossible to locate the sun in the sky. There are no contours or contrast in the sky/light it is almost completely uniform; I can with much effort… Continue reading Grey
Not On The Wall XIII
Yet a discarded object. It was not assembled when found. 500W halogen lamp was included. The cover glass actually seems to be plastic so it needs to be changed. The lamp is rated at 350 centigrade… it’s a hot and bright light! Please see: Not On The Wall.
Sometimes It Snows In April Too
Please see: Sometimes It Snows In April.
It’s Händel’s Messiah
No comment.
For Her + U
Ave Maria Audio: Natasha Atlas; Dominus Dei…