Breaks Eternal

Dark. Descent. (NL)? It is about time. This is the perfect time to do so for more than one reason. Complexity and banality; any human is a combination of both including many other things yet among all of them is still simple banality. That in it self creates complexity at the best of the times… Continue reading Breaks Eternal

Total Annihilation

Usually, I don’t write about marketing, brands or advertising, however there’s a first for everything and this warrants an exception in my mind because this must surely be the World’s most destructive re-branding ever! A total and complete brand annihilation of the like I have never ever witnessed before. It is just (wrong)… unfathomable to… Continue reading Total Annihilation


Gång- och cykelbana avstängd Hänvisning för omledning finns 170m bakåt Pedestrian and bicycle path closed Reference for diversion is 170m back

Rock Hard

There used to be a very large concrete building at this site. When it was demolished a very large rock was unveiled. It had been hidden inside the structure and facade the whole time. I’m curious to know if it will be incorporated into the new buildings or demolished. Tegelviksgatan


A reclad house, it is one out of two located near my living quarters. The chosen materials and finishes made me wonder how it originally looked. The replacement of: facades, doorways, balconies, railings and windows for “non-maintenance” ones are almost always aesthetic catastrophes.

Future View

This (new) south side address should make for a rather splendid view.