We found 40 results for your search.

Randall The Vandal I

Impossibly hard mixing by: DJ Randall, Oh my Lord! It’s just too much… but don’t get me wrong it is brilliant! At the same time it is completely destroying everything… I cannot even leave my own home, my calm, cool and collected day, without a rewind in all tranquility? Why? It is called drum’n’bass (or… Continue reading Randall The Vandal I

UK Supremacy

Skynet + Stakka – Voyager – Audio Blueprint – 1998. It was ruthless then and it is as ruthless today in a Decoder kind of style. “- We be no takin’ any prisoners today” kind of style. My Lord, it is still completely uncompromising music right there. It is the definition of “Tech” in a… Continue reading UK Supremacy

Sec Ops?

That would be a part of the origin and very fabric of drum’n’bass. Yes, no, not Jungle but drum’n’bass (the first split… reinforced). So, it is 2018 and the number is 028 is it not? That’s fantastic! In perspective… since 1995 less about 30 releases. The others (net-labels mentioned and included…) + 200 in less… Continue reading Sec Ops?

The Hardest/Best Of Them All

Many boys want to claim the title. I’m included. The hardest is the best? The queen of the breaks, Two decades later? Moon destroys the whole thing? Deepening. It could have been even more serious. That is impressive! Better mixing, more pressure? I say hail the queen! I’m calling it now. The best drum’n’bass DJ… Continue reading The Hardest/Best Of Them All

Om Unit – Self – Cosmic Bridge – CBRLP 001D

Related would you not say? I haven’t not heard the album yet. But, since I really don’t like all caps (executive of resurface.se.). I’m just going to rewrite some of it. Oh, my this is good music. Contemporary and ancient at the same time. Is “Cold Love” that short? Mm, the 1:30 attention-span-shortage-mixing… it is… Continue reading Om Unit – Self – Cosmic Bridge – CBRLP 001D

I Simply Refuse To Believe That It Is A Single Man’s Work

Proof? None, what so ever. Exerience? Some. Intution? Lot’s of that stuff. Om Unit? I know that he can mix (I’ve heard it or “seen” him do it.). I know that he can produce. And I don’t mind the pre-mix, eventhough I preferr the live version. It is generally so much more lively. – Fine.… Continue reading I Simply Refuse To Believe That It Is A Single Man’s Work


Firstly: this is literally a work in progress and no I do not have empirical evidence to support any of my claims (yet). Secondly: if Mark Fisher had not taken the disastrous decision (he took his own life… a completely unacceptable behaviour that actually f***** me up even more, as if that was indeed possible.… Continue reading Acceleration