Je Suis…

At 300 I got massive critique. – Why are you writing, these texts? The current tally? Well, that is 994 published, however there are actually 1009 written so far… Dear Mother, I guess I’m a writer of some sort. Maybe I’m an artist just like my Father?

Je Suis Bell 03

…and Jaques Lueder is my musical friend. You need to start f**ing understand what the h**l is going on, up in here… Cutting Pleasure and Electronic Desert? That would be, strictly no joke business, is not and it never was. The mag pie ate the strawberry and desecrated the beautiful fruit. Without any shame what… Continue reading Je Suis Bell 03

Q + A

A: Korean Electrical Construction Organization Kyeonggido Reginal – roughly translated according to Su Lee. Keonggido is apparently the name of a region near Seoul, the capitol of South Korea. I for one, I am just loving it! It’s brilliant (my dearest son, did translate it, returned an answer in roughly 60 seconds and he is… Continue reading Q + A

The Doctor

Doc Scott. I’ve meet him. I’ve talked to him. Responsible. Music. UK impossibility. 31? London. Did you actually? Yes I did. Street Knowledge, Drumz 95^ and Shadow Boxing? What can I say? Today is the day. If you ever… believed and/or unconditionally leaned against the 10″ stack (I should have lost my hearing that night.… Continue reading The Doctor

Categorised as Music Tagged

Du Måste Diska Lugnt!

It is literally untranslatable… I’m not even going to give it a go… but I can tell you this it’s a pretty funny comment. Not near as concrete as: – Where are you going (tonight)? – Home. Du måste diska lugnt. Mannen. That is… impossible.

Full Break Mid

Why would you ever break in the middle of a crossing? Why would you full break mid? You would never, ever do that, unless… you are Swedish law enforcement. What?!! Why would you do that!!? Look at the picture and make your own sound judgement. I don’t even have a drivers’ licence. Full break in… Continue reading Full Break Mid

Categorised as Society Tagged