The Cap

The actual cap in question. “Saisonne” (that is the other foreign language…). as it is/were.

Cap It!

The actual cap? Please see above. It, that is the detached label and the cap itself has its origin in the past and is worn proudly whenever it is in use. A SAVILLE PRODUCTION The Braemarl Cap MADE IN GREAT BRITAIN

Little Bear + Msg

It is a photo of my steel horse aka my Pieni musta Karhu, but I completely missed the message (msg) in the background until just now. And I do concur, fully with the msg. Frankly the whole thing – the ASAP Rocky business is embarrassing and troublesome to the entire nation. I’m again forced to… Continue reading Little Bear + Msg

Categorised as Society Tagged

Hardware Failure

There’s a point in holding on the discarded stuff at times (or should that be always?). The fan failed and by pure chance I had an exact spare tucked away. And after replacement it runs perfectly! Live to fight another day!

Project 7005

I’m looking for a front wheel with disc break and a fork; both in aluminium (the fork must be non-dampened obviously…). I realized (late) that 26″ is a somewhat unusual rime size and it will not facilitate the overall assembly. But, then again we’re aiming for all-out aluminum. I got handlebars including gear-leavers and calipers… Continue reading Project 7005

We Who Are Not As Others

Hmm, the title says it all really. Yes, it is a track title (obviously) recently revisited, twice actually. I’m opposed naming/identifying “the best” or top-ten best or anything of the sort, however there are exceptions… And in that category there’s no way of escaping 4 Hero’s Two Pages album. There’s simply no way (that I… Continue reading We Who Are Not As Others