
[Picture was pending 2017-10-31 and added 2017-11-02. NB: This text is based on an actual job application.].

Since everyone seem obsessed with quotes and allegations these days?

Given that this is the first page of Riksteaterns press page.

I may on own accord have made an error of judgement here? Maybe it has nothing to do with my age at all? Maybe this is something altogether different? A different subject? The original post just below (dates are above):

I’m feeling mistreated. I suspect that it may have to do with my age? I’m worried that I may in fact be discriminated against in this very moment! And I’m Swedish!

I want to mention that “#” actually means something very different. Nice people. And why would the not nice ones tell you? Would you? What is behind your social networks? Is it… code? Who writes the code? Do you know how too? Probably not. Have you ever encountered a “natural” coder? I have. Seldom. In work? It is pure beauty to watch. Line-by-line. Art.

What? I am telling you that you do not have any idea of what your are talkining about.

“Hej *****,

tack för ditt meddelande.

Vi på Riksteatern arbetar med kompetensbaserad rekrytering. Vi baserar alltså vårt urval av kandidater på hur väl de matchar mot den kravprofil som vi ställt upp för tjänsten.

Dessa krav framgår av annonsen:
Du har mycket goda kunskaper inom IT, och har flera års erfarenhet av arbete med webb- och systemutvecklingsprojekt. Du har haft rollen som webbansvarig, systemägare, produktägare eller systemförvaltare.

Då vi inte kan utläsa att du har de kunskaper och erfarenheter som vi efterfrågar, har du inte blivit kallad på intervju.

Med vänliga hälsningar,

The last straw… I would have, if given the opportunity. I’ve been to the venues many times and I do truly believe in the arts. Misspellings and poor grammar. The “angst” of going to school and perform always and beyond. Always excel? There is at least a “?” missing in this rather short text. I love Riksteatern or the idea in any case. Fine. That’s OK and basically my personal problem. The message has been received. That picture though?

Du har mycket goda kunskaper inom IT, och har flera års erfarenhet av arbete med webb- och systemutvecklingsprojekt. Du har haft rollen som webbansvarig, systemägare, produktägare eller systemförvaltare? Det räcker nu? Kan inte ens stava ordentligt? OK. “Kulturarbete?” “Utbildning?”. OK.

Contact me at: radgivningsbyran.com anytime you want. It would be as a consultant though. Different tarrif.

The current situation? It is just ridiculous.

Picture added. First page. Press page. Riksteatern press.

Det fick jag lära mig i skolan. Avgränsa dina ämnen. “Det är nya tider nu. Det är digitalt.”.

I was thought in school. Scope, don’t let the subject matter become to extended. “New times, it is digital.”

Minister: Peter Eriksson – Housing and Digital? Minister of Digitalisation in 2017? Stop it right now! OK. Nxt post.