There is no edit. It is a “none-true” picture. I prefeer the “real” world,
Kill the breaks? You are trying to kill the UK-breaks? Sucvsess, picture will be black…
Actually I will change it now. You are trying to kill the breaks? Why would you do want to do that?
I took a photo and uploaded it directly. So? It is was beautiful. It was a picture of our moon? Reflecting the light of our sun.
Details? iPhone 5S. No editing. The image? No, it is not the picture I took. Hardware.
But, where is the actual picture? I will need to find it. It is close by. There is no time too waste.
Tracks? Just ask me. Junior tells me… “- I don’t have time now, my boys are waiting for me.”
My pride and joy. I can hear him laughing, being happy, being funny and teen? It is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard/seen in my entire life. “My life” as Mary sang once upon…
The most beautiful thing I ever heard/saw, in my life.