When playing music that you like. Never start maxing out, start at 50% and then increase incrementally.
– Even if it is my favourite track?
– Yes, you will want to have something more for later on. If you start at maximum? There will not be anything to take from.
You will want to play louder* and eventually max it all out. It doesn’t matter if it is your headphones or something else pushing.
You will want to have full immersion. Trust me.
Physics, you know? There are limits and boundaries that can not be broken in our Universe. You know like 299 792 458 m/s. The speed of light is a constant.
* So, it is a somewhat internal language/sound joke. Sound is a physical thing by definition. It is a wave of energy that propagates through a medium. The medium can be anything. It could be water, oil or any other substance usually when referring to humans it is air. “High” is pitch and “loud” is energy. Lesson learned.
No matter, when you have listened for a while and you still can crank the dial? When you have 30% (not physically, but as a matter of speaking) left?
Then turn the dial gradually and keep pushing! A word of caution is in place, don’t impair your hearing. ie don’t play to loud. Once impaired it is impossible to fix.