No, I’m destroyed again, I got trashed, again? By a opening track of a two hour set? Are you serious?
Oh, my lord that is rough bass music! Would have killed half or more of the crowd playing that. The rest would be in need of medical attention and then some.
I am in need of medical attention. What the h*ll is going on? I can’t even talk about it.
It is DJ Youngsta on (copy and paste it… or click the at the bottom.).
No comment and no ID. The first track and you are not going to tell me what it is?
Many thanks: wr (it looks like the items at the bakery I call it “kanelbulle” you may call it “cinnamon-bun”) Mm, that time will come. My AI is better than yours or vice versa.
Obviously the track is an instant classic and most would not give that away… leading with that track? Even if you had the strongest bag and then mixing like that? It may sound like a breeze.
“I can do that! I can play music”. I can assure you that it is not as easy as it may sound. It is like every other trade. I will never understand that.
You would not go to your neighbour for dentistry or advanced neurosurgery? Please respect the DJ. For the record I have never called myself a DJ and there is a very good and simple reason. I am not one. I do collect music and I have played some.
DJ-ing is pure craftsmanship. I might have mentioned that I am in fact an avid drum’n’bass fan or most likely fan-boy (and people say I’m lacking self-distance… ha ha ; ) ).
I have one thing to say: “Africa is a road.” It is a do or die deal. No in between, always been like that. Either you like the way or you don’t. The ones that do? They all much or less agree, the ones that don’t? They stand firm like the great wall of China. No worries, The Black Star Liner will take you where you need to go.
Again… DJ Youngsta’s mixing is on a want to cry level (I might do that and for all you know even if I did cry I would not tell you). Proper skills right there! Actually there is more than that. You need to select as well and you need something to select from. To always be in the front-line?
Start trying playing at your own party or to your parents? Decide what to play. Then play to your peers. Your history is what will count and it will be more important than ever. Judged by your peers that is selection.
If I would have heard this out and about? Then my little sister would had been forced to go to the hospital (thankfully I don’t spend much time there, last time was about 25 years ago my own fault…).
It is that good. I’m close to not believing. The sound, the mixing, the selection and the musical switch mid-way. The opening track and mid-way drum’n’bass? Someone may die (literately), you do understand that?
I… do not… know what to say. Finished. Wait I remember it all now. This is how it used to sound. This is what my boys and girls used to play! The no nonsense stuff. When we scared the sound guy off, when we demanded more bass every time. “This is enough.” No, we will be needing more…
True bass? It can not be expressed in text. It is more like a colour or a smell from your childhood. I have something negative to say. Heavy sampling and robbery? The tracks before? The originators? As it was said you need to respect the past in order to respect yourself.
A long time ago (it do believe it was 1996) “The One 31” said to me that the only worry he had was that: “(sample) cannibalism” would ruin it. It did not but don’t say that you invented/found it if you in fact did not do so. Respect the past and respect yourself.
Closing words. The London state idea seems like a good one. I know you all like the queen I like her too! Sweden is monarchy. London a sovereign state? That would be the coolest thing ever!!!!
I would apply for citizenship directly, I would apply and trade my current one and I do mean directly.
London would become the coolest nation ever in history. It’s now or like my lil’ sis’ likes to quote: “If you don’t start something… there’ll be…”
//Bell 03