The Jetty

No comment. Except it is right to The Golden Bridge, towards the Royal Castle – Northbound (obviously moving from the South). I mean obliviously, in Stockholm? I’m afraid it is not going to be a jetty, all things considered, after all water is dangerous… we’ll just have to wait and see (sea*).

* They’re actually two completely different bodies of water. The waterfront depicted is the beginning or the end if you will of the Baltic Sea. On the opposite side (bridge) you’ll find Mälaren which is a lake and in between them you have a sluice, hens the name “Slussen”.

Mälaren is a fresh water lake; whereas the Baltic sea is not. The sluice or sluices are used primarily for navigational purposes and to control the level of water in the lake. It has a higher elevation than the sea.

Please see: H2O.