Milieu/ENV(itre), The Tandem Series 5 [Boltfish Recordings – BOLT032, 2006]

tandemseries_05Two new debuts for Boltfish that goes by the name: Milieu and Env(itre). On what is the fifth instalment in the ongoing series of split releases aptly entitled “The Tandem Series”. The concept is simple enough, two artists co-habiting the same release. Milieu contributes with five tracks saturated with early BOAC references and who can ever really be blamed for having that particular source of inspiration? Milieu’s part starts off with “Threw Ourselves Into The Sun” a lovely track with a healthy beat and a dose of nostalgia. “Rain Metre” progresses along the same line, slowly and well put together. “Saltwater” strikes up a slightly more sinister atmosphere and has dry forward moving beats and interesting sounds, homage to BOAC of sorts. “Charcoal” is just so beautiful, with massive bass, echoing powerful beats, lovely melody all drenched in sprinkles of glitch and disturbing distortions it’s most definitely my favourite among Milieu’s tracks. Back on track in “Schoolbells” with straightforward beats ending this part of the debut release on Boltfish. The other artist contributing to this split goes by the name of Env(itre) and sees the welcome return of a talented electronic musician. Env(itre)’s debut full-length album entitled “Teaktshramin” was reviewed here at ED some two years ago (2004) and was originally released in 2003 on a German label called Aphorism. The whereabouts of the Aphorism label are not known and it would seem to be another small label that subsumes to the harsh (economic) reality of independent micro music life. The four tracks by Env(itre) are all really good and they all dwell in a crisp and clear musical setting containing healthy doses of beats, bas, structure fused with atmospheric elements cementing the feeling of enjoyment and very much a Boltfish affair. It’s Boltfish’s new breed on BOLT032 and you know you should investigate.