After the stunning RN009 by Inigo Kennedy the time has come for RN010. Once again Rednetic are taking that slightly different musical orientation than they’ve done previously, namely down the good ol’ drum and bass path. In likeness with the “Invaders EP” by Scorn-Fury the Tommi Bass full-length album “Tommi Labs Volume One” is filled with jungle and drum’n’bass references and tracks. Actually we can skip the references part all together, this is pretty much a full on jungle story. Vocal samples and dance floor mayhem included, so where Scorn-Fury left 50% for something else than the dance floor, Tommi Bass gives the full 100%. It’s quite traditionally sounding stuff, but modern production techniques have made wonders for the genre and one thing is impossible to miss and that is the love for the music displayed by TB. The Rednetic label continues to explore and release music and the latest release exactly fits the epithet: “The subtle marriage of the adventurous with the accessible” that was cornered by the mighty International DJ magazine.