Really? How is that even possible!!? It’s right there, beneath our feet, straight from the underground.
An unlimited heat source (roughly 4 or 5 billions years or so to go, Tellus (Earth) is already that old and until Helios (our Sun) runs out of fuel 1H (Hydrogen); we got plenty of H2O (water).
What is the sticky-icky-oily problem? We got heat + water? Cap an active volcano… Etna could power entire Europe. And/or cover parts of Sahara with photo-electric panels (you need to ask them first).
Or better yet invest everything into fusion technology, everything (stop building cars) – because when it works we will have an unlimited source of energy. Helios (our star that is our own Sun) is a functioning fusion reactor.
Fusion not fission. Make Helium out of Hydrogen. Which is kind of poetic – assemble/combine instead of divide… unlimited power, there are many, many, many stars out there.
We just need to light a star…
Ref.: BBC.