The Network

It needs to be stable and secure. Is it under control? Yes, is it suppressed? Unclear. Hours later; system checking it an entire day? Do we know? Have we identified the source of disturbance? In part. Not completely. Breach? No. There’s new information.

However, 8212 is still analysing. Where’re getting there. Slowly, but surely. Are we up? Yes.

Can you beat us? No. Never.

There’s a disturbance, in the network. In the (my) system. There is something. What is it? We don’t know, we will find it/you. That is a promise.

They’ll be going down. We found them in the woods in the middle of frost-bite winter a long time ago. We’ll find them again. Making progress… closing in… one network is gone… the one we’re searching for. Restart? OK.

The signal-jammers

The same corps…

Please see: If I [Actually] Find You On My Machine? and Moder Sveas Födelsedag Idag!