30 Yrs Later…

I’ll be there… trust me; sound sistem inspecta (- Will you bring 8212? – No, I wont bring her.). Seba*/MC Sandor. Water in my eyes and the flyer was handed to… my first born in the city, just now.

Does that mean? Yes, more water in my eyes and no I don’t fancy discussing/talking about that, now or in the near future I prefer just sobbing and trying to wipe my sore eyes. Right now!

Maybe it will be different after the 6th June 2024 (funny how often the year is missing on the flyer. It’s a b***h for the archives later on. Like 30 years later. You or anybody even close to the vicinity wont ever remember the exact year. It could have been printed. Why? It is next week

It may or may not be related to: Peanut Planet and Fluid Records.

* A rumble through the ancient catalogue of the originators? Reinforced from Dollis Hill. I know you got them in your collection. Release the breaks.

They’re from the former United Kingdom. I did say: “May” Someone Please Stop This Catastrophe? five years ago and the decision is still as sickeningly upsetting too me as it ever where. Leaving Evropa? I can’t and I will not accept it, even 5 years on… it is simply disgusting, that’s the end of it. Tragedy.