They’re back! I saw the very first one today. Their migration is astounding, they fly from the African continent.
They’re incredibly fast and precise in flight, yet I once saw one “trip” in mid-air and fall from the sky… it recovered after falling quite a distance (I think it stalled) and resumed flight. It locked bizarre. Because normally they fly exactly like fighter planes or is the other way around?
The photo? There are actually two birds in the photo, they were far away. However they seem to have been removed by my camera phone’s imaging software… automatic enhanced postcard blue sky post editing.
So, the actual subjects of the photo itself were automatically removed in order to make a better photo… It makes me wonder about among other things; do I really need a 12MP camera par example (this makes for an interesting subject, but at another time)?
I did manage sort of catching them. They’re blurred? That’s how fast they fly. My camera phone in combination with my inaptitude towards the media. But the phone was fairly still, they’re just incredibly fast…
Delichon urbicum (Linnaeus, 1758) | hussvala
Hussvala Delichon urbicum
House Martin – Delichon urbicum (Linnaeus, 1758)
Ref.: Species
Please see: Bufo Bufo and Chemtrails.