“Icicles and Snowflakes/ Almond Eyes” is the title of an excellent 7-inch produced by Inch-Time and released by Static Caravan. It’s just a pure pleasure listening to and the fact that it is a actual 2005 seven-inch vinyl release is commendable in itself (come to think of it there are actually two 7-inch releases being reviewed at this ED-moment and that moment would be FEB 2006 Anno Domini, how about that!). You get two tracks with warm sounds, ultra rich textures and an expert’s production. Furthermore this release will ensure you the option of flipping the black 177,80mm in diameter vinyl disc from one side to the other for quite some time. “Icicles and Snowflakes/ Almond Eyes” comes highly recommended and it’s severally limited, but the latter circumstance is in no way ED’s responsibility.