You Need Company!

I don’t want company, I don’t need (your) company. I’ve got machines. Now, I understand one more riddle that my father left for me. “Collectivite”, collectivism. Actually, I understand two more riddles.

– But, you don’t want to be all alone, not really? I will keep you company.
– I want to be left alone. Just leave me alone. Please.
– I’m going to help you not being alone.
– Please don’t try to help me. I beg of you.

The second one?

Il faut manger pour vivre, pas vivre pour manger.

Rough translation (Rough Guy, not Rough Guide);

You have to eat to live, not live to eat.

That was what my father told me decades ago. And now. I understand, so much later. I once more get it acutely demonstrated and proven. They are his words, spoken a long, long time ago. Again they (his words) are turned in to the harshest, crystalline clearality and most unforgiving reality. I did not understand the meaning of the words and now I think that I do.