Left Behind XIII

It always makes me wonder. What happened the instant before someone decided ā€œ- Iā€™m not wearing these shoes no more this day/night!ā€. Did a spare pair exist somewhere or did nature have its causal way?

First spotted; the pair wasn’t a pair at all. One of the shoes were located on an overpass some hundred meters from were I later on found the pair. At the time I had forgotten my image capturing device and I decided to return later that day. Only to find the pair at a completely different location…

How can I know that? Because I came from the opposite direction and I hadn’t traversed the overpass yet. Did I subsequently check the overpass? I did and there was no lone shoe to be found… somewhat peculiar to my mind?!

As per rule, it/they are as found, there’s no staging allowed what-so-ever (UX* rules) – it is Left Behind found and discovered…

Please see: Left Behind Series.

* Underground Exploration