Signs II

Direction – the glove fell from the coat hanger and landed on the hall floor exactly in that position (I promise.).

Discarded solitaires – salvaged one-by-one, each everyone of them.

On the move – on the other side of the ocean. The slippers’ feet are located to the east on the opposite side of the earth.

Thorn lids – Eight laptops in total all destroyed on purpose by the looks of it. The lids thorn from their casing including matching power adapters with cut cords…

Cut cables – Eight power adapters all destroyed on purpose by the looks of it. The cables cut including matching laptops with thorn lids…

Dangerous cousins – empty gas canisters in the recycling room? They’re not supposed to be there and in an event of a fire (there’s been two in recent years) they equate to not one but two possible bombs.

Non-breathable – it’s yellow and it’s hazardous.

Fade Resist – referencing the sky in late summer, it will come!

Fade Resist – inverted.