I – LA CIGALE ET LA FOURMI La Cigale, ayant chanté Tout l’été, Se trouva fort dépourvue Quand la bise fut venue: Pas un seul petit morceau De mouche ou de vernisseau. Elle alla crier famine Chez la Fourmi sa voisine, La priant de lui prêter Quelque grain pour subsister Jusqu’à la saison nouvelle. «… Continue reading 102

Täby And Return

The little black bear and I took a round-trip from Årstberg to Täby centrum. It is a 50 km ride depending on your navigation skills… apart from the slightly chilly weather, somewhat slippery road surface and the fact that the breaks front and back are completely shot,** it was a truly nice ride. Time of… Continue reading Täby And Return

This Is What I Do

GET me/workout/ :id The latest logged workout should be displayed. The status of the workout, its exercises and their respective sets must be retrievable from the database. Consider the following scenario: A workout consisting of five exercises with four sets each. Two exercises were logged as completed including all their sets. One exercise was skipped… Continue reading This Is What I Do

I Am Strangely Affected

Yes, it is yet another loss… yet, another funeral and one being remotely situated in time, and I am strangely affected. Why is that? I’m not entirely sure and I am indeed somewhat surprised of it being like so. I would not have thought so. I’m holding a wake of some sort and that is… Continue reading I Am Strangely Affected

D’où Je Viens IX

Once again, surprisingly (it is a contradiction) mature and cocktail-bossa-infused-serious jazz being played at the venue. It happens to be an autumn Sunday night, it has been the case more than one previous night, i.e. it is far from being an co-incidence. And the little black bear (my black steel stead) is waiting trustworthy; as… Continue reading D’où Je Viens IX