AC shuffled all the songs in the collection…? The whole idea caught me by surprise. I left my computer unattended for a while and then I returned bewildered… no, it is, extremely, fascinated, truly. I would never even I have thought of that idea… shuffle them all? The concept is somewhat understandable, however the collection… Continue reading It’s On The Computer!
Category: Visual
D’où Je Viens V
This is where I live.
D’où Je Viens IV
This where I live.
The Beret
The actual beret in question. “Saisonne” (that is the other foreign language…) as it is/were.
Beret It!
The actual beret? Please see above. It, the label and the beret itself has its origin in the past and is worn proudly whenever it is in use. APOLLO -VĆĀ-VRSAC WORLD FINEST PURE LAINE MADE IN YOGOSLAVIA
Concrete Night + Day
La cité… the location is the SoSo Perspective, and this is where I dwell. Somewhere, in the underground…
D’où Je Viens III
This is where I live.
The Cup
They sit nicely (it is an exact fit to the mm) with the set of ant-zen coffee mugs/cups. And that is nothing but top-nice!
Cup It!
Discarded saucers, I salvaged three of them; they’re from the Swedish manufacturer Rörstrand and they should have been accompanied by matching cups, helas they were nowhere to be found. As far as I know they’re from the sixties, well actually I happen to know that they’re from fourth quarter of 1963 from a series called… Continue reading Cup It!
The Cap
The actual cap in question. “Saisonne” (that is the other foreign language…). as it is/were.