A digger shifting hard rock and a drilling rig at the same time? At 08:00 It is legal? Probably. The noise they make? It is truly unbelievable! I have never heard anything like it. Sure I did my military service… but this a residential area? You are the changing ones in the world, really? The… Continue reading Sonic Overload (Destroying My Home)
Category: Society
I Actually Thought It Was A Helicopter
Honestly, I did think it was a flying machine. And I do really like flying machines. In fact it is a crane, outside my kitchen window. It is the tallest free-standing crane I have seen in my entire life. They are constructing not one but indeed three 14 story buildings. Awful looking buildings. Who puts… Continue reading I Actually Thought It Was A Helicopter
If I Ask You?
I ask you? Electro (what is it?) and you answer me “Electronic music”. That will not do. That is not an answer. It doesn’t mean anything? Void. It may be an honest response, but it is devoid of meaning. It is upsetting. I don’t know or I don’t care? Genre is not the question. I… Continue reading If I Ask You?
The Ghost
The ghost? Is so many things. The ghost is your past. The ghost is what you can not accept, the ghost is the thing that you can not run from. The ghost is your history. The ghost is the love of your life. The ghost is your favorite book, painting, song or memory. And it… Continue reading The Ghost
Gustaf Gustafson
Kan inte ta reda på vad knasskallarna håller på med? Gustaf vet inte vad de religösa knasarna håller på med? Vill inte du veta det? Symbolerna i vapenskölden? Fasces? I Rom för länge sedan? För att skydda Kejsaren. Det finns rätt många andra än från mellan. T.ex. våldsamma Buddister? Jag tycker att det är märkligt.… Continue reading Gustaf Gustafson
I Really Don’t Care If You Do Understand
This is my show. If you don’t like my show? Then please leave. No, I am not special or unique in any sense. It may or may not be unusual that I’m articulating that. No, there is need to feel sorry/pity. We are all the same; expression and timing may differ. Don’t mislead yourself in… Continue reading I Really Don’t Care If You Do Understand
So? We Let The 11 Year Olds Run The Show?
Cooooome on! Have you or have not been fourteen? That is simly ridiculous. One grown up can not control 17, 27, 37 or 47 children in class? That is… And it is scary. I assumed that there were some grown-ups? I never even considered the possibility that there are no grown-ups? It did not even… Continue reading So? We Let The 11 Year Olds Run The Show?
Just To Be Clear
I am the crazy one. I am completly out of control. I scare people. However, I am not wearing a helmet? I am not screaming at my phone? I do not have young children wearing helmets running in the street? And yet, I am the crazy one? I am waiting for my headphones to recharge.… Continue reading Just To Be Clear
This Can’t Be Good? Actually It Is Really Bad…
My new neighbours. They are 20 years old. A very sweet couple. I did try to be friendly (I did not bake or present a cake? Yet, friendly). I moved from home at 21 with my love? I have never been happier then at that exact time. I think I scared my neighbours. I think… Continue reading This Can’t Be Good? Actually It Is Really Bad…
A Playlist Out Of This World
There are things many things in this World that are special? Given that there are more than 7 billion (that always confuses me… where I come from 1 000 000 000 is a “milliard”) humans alive it is not an outlandish statement? Then there must be more than 7 000 000 000 things in this… Continue reading A Playlist Out Of This World