I think I’ll take my car to ride my bike down a hill or to the gym and run on the treadmill; I think I’ll take my car. do not read/say the licence plate out loud! Then I’ll wash it (the bike) for an hour…
Category: Society
Noctis Or 4 AM
Not On The Wall II
It is the same discarded instrument. Please see: Not On The Wall I, On The Wall, On The Wall I, On The Wall II.
Petri Or Don’t Panic Too [II]?
Julius Richard Petri (May 31, 1852 – December 20, 1921) was a German microbiologist who is generally credited with inventing the device known as the Petri dish, after him, while working as assistant to bacteriologist Robert Koch. Source: Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE, 13/02/2020 13:23:05.
Det Gungar Från Skanstull Till Slussen
The latest “storm” was closer to a hurricane according to me; it made the street lights*, signs and everything swing from Skanstull to Slussen. Translated from the Swedish title it would be: It swings from Skanstull To Slussen and that would be Stockholm. I’ve never seen street- or bus signs shudder in the wind, roof… Continue reading Det Gungar Från Skanstull Till Slussen
Don’t Panic
Source: Coronavirus 2019-nCoV Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE, 2020-02-05.
Night Out
Men Flytta På Dig Dåro!
It means: move out of my way… – Men vart kommer du ifrån? Egentligen? – Jag är född på Södersjukhuset i Stockholm och det är min son också… på samma sjukhus. – Min pappa var afrikan och min mamma är svenska och de träffades i Paris och det är anledningen till att jag pratar Franska.… Continue reading Men Flytta På Dig Dåro!
Homeless + Cops
The first homeless person, begging, that I ever saw was in Paris around 1980. That would be about 40 years ago. I was shocked and traumatised… why are they asking for money to eat? I had never seen a beggar before in my entire life. Why? Because they did not exist in my home town… Continue reading Homeless + Cops
Je Suis…
At 300 I got massive critique. – Why are you writing, these texts? The current tally? Well, that is 994 published, however there are actually 1009 written so far… Dear Mother, I guess I’m a writer of some sort. Maybe I’m an artist just like my Father?