Happy New Year! This is resurface.se… Recurring: Another Year.

Cold Summer | D+R

This music took decades to construct and this is not the first entry. The ever romantic, machine romantic… Plz. Play it. Again.* Ref.: Cold Summer/Full Moon. Please see: D+R and Dom & Roland. “Roland? Is impossible. You know, he’s on the guest list every time. Roland + 1 and he simply never shows up. Ever?… Continue reading Cold Summer | D+R

Stairs + Reflection

In actuality they’re reflections and there are many of them… in any one of these three photos. Many, many… I was there, yet it is not completely concise and clear – concerning the reflections I mean. The phone’s software may be interfering as well. Please see: Stairs + Government and Tройка.

Left Behind XLV

It always makes me wonder. What happened the instant before someone decided “- I’m not wearing these shoes no more this day/night!”. Did a spare pair exist somewhere or did nature have its causal way? In the series…

Signs XIV

It had to be done; eventually (either I’ve never seen it before or I remembered it recently). Please see: The signs series.